January 30
Every asana is about opening. Living Your Yoga: Today when you practice, find a new part of your body that is opening in each asana, even during a forward bend that seems to be about closing. Judith Hanson Lasater
Every asana is about opening. Living Your Yoga: Today when you practice, find a new part of your body that is opening in each asana, even during a forward bend that seems to be about closing. Judith Hanson Lasater
Why do we resist life? Living Your Yoga: When you feel resistance arising, first notice it. With a curious mind, allow yourself to acknowledge completely the aspect of your life that your resistance represents. Judith Hanson Lasater
Feeling at ease does not mean feeling nothing. Living Your Yoga: Three times today, stop, close your eyes, and ask yourself, What am I feeling right now? Can I be at ease with it? Name it and wait for an answer. Judith Hanson Lasater
Discipline arises from clarity of intention and commitment. Living Your Yoga: Sit quietly on your mat. Create an intention for your practice before you begin, such as this Mantra for Daily Living: Today I will focus my practice on inviting inner stillness. Judith Hanson Lasater
Without discipline there is no art. Living Your Yoga: The art of yoga comes from the consistency of discipline. Today resolve to practice for the next twenty-one days without missing a single one. Note it on your calendar. Judith Hanson Lasater
Be who you are, where you are. Living Your Yoga: The more we are ourselves, the more we enjoy our life. Today if you are in an uncomfortable, even restrictive situation, don’t be afraid to speak your truth with love. Judith Hanson Lasater
We spend too much time trying to fix everything. Living Your Yoga: Write down the three most common thoughts you have about how you should fix yourself and others. Remember, trying to fix yourself and others never really works. Instead, revel in your individuality and celebrate the uniqueness of others. Judith Hanson Lasater
Work in a way that does not create more stress. Living Your Yoga: Work is necessary but making it stressful is not. When you go to work today, breathe before you answer the phone and pause for one breath before you answer your boss. Judith Hanson Lasater
A yoga practitioner is one who neither runs from nor seeks out pain. Living Your Yoga: If your usual yoga practice is strong and stimulating, today try restorative yoga poses instead. If your practice is gentle, today do five of your hardest poses. Cultivate a nonjudging mind while you do them. Judith Hanson Lasater
Be with what is. Living Your Yoga: Look out your window right now and see what is there: a perfectly manicured lawn, a busy sidewalk, an old shed falling down. Breathe it in. Judith Hanson Lasater